I don’t know about you but I LOVE breakfast. I love making it. Even better, I love eating it. I’m an early bird; always have been. I don’t know what it is but there is something special about the first part of the day. And there is nothing better to me than to start the day by eating breakfast.
Jesus also loved early mornings…and breakfasts. In several NT passages we read that he got up early, sometimes to spend time with his heavenly Father, sometimes to spend time with his friends…his disciples. In John 21 we read, “Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore…” But what I love is his statement, “Come and have breakfast!” In fact, he had prepared breakfast for his disciples when they came back from fishing. “When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.” (vs 9) What a beautiful sight this must have been; freshly prepared breakfast after a hard morning of work! He’s made breakfast and is inviting them to join him.
The word that strikes me is “come”! This is part of his character. He always invites us to come. “Come and have breakfast,” he tells his disciples. And in a way he says it to us today. Come…follow me! Come…believe in me! Let the children come to me. Come…! He is a God who invites; he is a God who cares!
This story also touched Rev. Zhao as a young man. Today he leads a vibrant church in the middle of Fujian province where our team had the privilege of serving this week equipping his key church leaders. He told us, “This story of Jesus inviting his disciples to come and have breakfast has always moved me. I see myself as one of the disciples, not knowing what to do but yet feeling loved by my Savior who invites me to come and eat with him.” He continues, “God used these words to call me into vocational ministry.” How powerful! How beautiful!
What a joy it is to invest in the Rev. Zhao’s of China. We have the privilege of serving pastors such as Rev. Zhao by training trainers, which will make an eternal impact in their communities for Jesus. 2 Tim. 2:2 is being realized. PTL!
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