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Your Teaching was Fresh and New

Your Teaching was Fresh and New

“Your teaching was fresh and new! It gave us lots to think about. Please come and stay longer so you can teach us more!” This is what a church leader told us as he drove us back to our hotel from the Bible training center we had been training in last October. What was this teaching? Not only how to rekindle intimacy in your marriage relationships, but also how to create intimacy with God and other believers through small groups. We present this tool as a way for churches to reach outside its walls into the community including the next generation. God is using this tool to breathe new vitality and vision into Chinese Christian leaders. Here is a quote from a 25 years old female full-time minister after our training in October: “In this training, I saw hope, felt excited and moved, because (this training) spoke into our young people’s hearts, understood our needs and paid attention to the vision of attracting the next generation. As a seminary-trained young full-time minister, the conservative, never changing, same old church model often left me struggling and confused, wondering if the abundant life Jesus wants to give to us is just a slogan. The conservative and traditional churches often expect young Christians to be just like the older people, being quiet, following rules. This left me feeling guilty and depressed. Thank God for your teaching. I now understand that church and small group not only exist to build our relationship with God, but also to build intimate relationships with each other. Both are important. So I can have freedom and joy to share God’s love.” – February 2015
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