
From police officer to church planter

I am driving in a rickety mini van (they don’t build these kind in the US; it’s way too small!)...

Missionary in a Bright Yellow Polo

We are sitting in the back seat of a bright yellow VW Polo. A dear sister, who is a participant...

Your Teaching was Fresh and New

“Your teaching was fresh and new! It gave us lots to think about. Please come and stay longer so you...

The Passing of Founder, Dr. Rev. Werner Bürklin

Founder, Dr. Rev. Werner Bürklin, went home to be with his Savior June 6, 2020.  We are grateful for how...

Small Groups – A Tool to Reach the Next Generation

“How do we keep the young people at our church? How do we help them believe with their heart, not...

At the Lord’s Table

AWM academy in Korntal Several weeks ago I had the privilege of attending the dedication service of newly renovated rooms at...

Joy Comes From Obedience

I just read these beautiful verses found in John 15:10-11. Jesus says, “If you keep my commandments you will abide...