https://www.chinasource.org/resource-library/articles/the-church-in-china/ ...
A few years ago I noticed this huge church, a cathedral, in down town Marburg, Germany. As I walked inside I heard a beautiful choir singing. As I listened more closely I recognized the words; they were singing the “beatitudes” of Jesus…in German. How beautiful....
“I believe in myself,” said the young teenager after asking several young people, “who do you believe in?” This is a common answer by young people in Mainland China today. They don't believe in anything…except for themselves. This is not a phenomenon only found in China....
Are you a worry worm? Do you worry about the future? Do you worry about the past…such as worrying about what could be different if you just would have made a different decision? Why do we worry so much? I believe it’s because of several reasons. •...
I don’t know about you but I LOVE breakfast. I love making it. Even better, I love eating it. I’m an early bird; always have been. I don’t know what it is but there is something special about the first part of the day. And...
I am driving in a rickety mini van (they don’t build these kind in the US; it’s way too small!) on my way to the local church in the countryside of Sichuan. The driver has just stopped to pick up another woman; she is attending...
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